ࡱ> z|y abjbjVV 0<<a \^^^^^^$[V(((\(\(((i҈"(H0(((( (( : EQUAL PAY DAY APRIL 17, 2012 Equal Pay Day will be recognized this year on April 17, 2012. This date symbolizes how far into 2012 women must work to earn what men earned in 2011. According to Census statistics released in September, 2010 women working full-time, year round make, on average, 77 cents for every dollar a male earns. Median earnings for most women of color are even lower. In 2009, the earnings of African American women were 67.5 % of all mens earnings, and Latinas earnings were 57.7 % of all mens earnings. Asian American womens earnings in 2009 were 90 % of all mens earnings. Gender wage discrimination has been illegal since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963 but the wage gap persists. Women earned 59 cents to every dollar earned by men in 1963, but progress has slowed and the gender wage gap widened slightly from 77.8 to 77.1 % between 2007 and 2008. Over a lifetime of work this loss adds up into a shockingly high career wage gap. The career gap lowers womens earnings over a lifetime and reduces their long-term assets and that of their families. The typical woman loses $431,000 in pay over a 40-year career. * Wage disparity persists across all educational levels and in all states. Women with the most education lose the most in earnings. Women with a college degree or higher lose $713,000 over a 40-year period versus a $270,000 loss for women who did not finish high school4. Equal Pay Day is a nationwide effort to increase awareness of the womens wage gap, its causes and potential remedies. Each year, the HYPERLINK "http://www.pay-equity.org/"National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) organizes the national observance of Equal Pay Day to raise awareness about unfair pay in America. Since 1999, Equal Pay Day activities of the Coalition for Equal Pay have included community groups, women's groups, labor unions and the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, the county's Office of Women's Policy and Commission on the Status of Women, and concerned individuals, primarily in . *Information released by the Business and Professional Womens Foundation ,O h ǵwkw\P\\A3h#gh156OJQJh#gh1OJPJQJ^Jh1OJPJQJaJh#gh1OJPJQJaJh1OJQJ^JaJh#gh1OJQJ^JaJh#gh1OJPJQJ\aJh#gh1OJQJ\^JaJh#gh1OJQJ^JaJ"h#gh156OJQJ^JaJ&hy3h156CJOJQJ^JaJ#hy3h15CJOJQJ^JaJ#hy3h45CJ$OJQJ^JaJ O P a & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gd1gd1$a$gd1 ,-STUuv`aӪ|h#gh1OJQJ^JaJh#gh15OJQJ%h#gh156OJQJ\^JaJ%h#gh1>*OJQJ^JaJwh.f+jh#gh1OJQJU^JaJ%jh#gh1OJQJU^JaJh#gh1OJQJ^JaJh#gh1OJQJ.:p1/ =!"#$% DyK yK 6http://www.pay-equity.org/j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH @`@ y3NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR Table Normal4 l4a (k ( No List PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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T1@q@Ldate symbolizes how far into ><'<#4;a>>5<4#?=R##<+#?'=#Td1 @q@LT2012@@@@TT 1 @q@ LP #T 1A@q@ Lwomen must work to earn what R<a<?#a?4(#R=+;#'=#<<+?#R?<'$!"  T.#@q@Ltmen earned in 2011. a<?#<<+?<>#?#@@@?$#TP/t#@q@/+LAccording to Census statistics released in D44=+>?>#'=#F<?5?4#4'='4(44#+<<<4<>#?$!"  T $ @q@ LSeptember, 2010 women working fuD<>'<a><+$#@@@@#Q=a<?#R=+;?>##?TX $T @q@ LPllTTU $ @q@U LP-.T $ @q@ Lptime, year round 'a<$#;<<+#+=??>#TT $1@q@ LP @!"  Th@q@9Lmake, on average, 77 cents for every dollar a male earns.a<;<$#=?#<;<+<><$$@@#4<?'4##=+#<;<+;#==<+#<#a<<#<<+?4%TTi@q@iLP @ TT-@q@{LP @ T @q@ELMedian earnings for most women of color are even lower. In 2009, the T<><?#<<+?@>4##=,#a=4'#R=a<?#=##4==+#<+<#<:<?#=R<+$#*?#@@@@$#'?<#Rp @"VerdanaXѓΓQ]XѓPΓϓ<ѓlP]XѓPΓ q_PΓXѓ r_  +X7.[ @Verdan,`tӓΓ-_ΓΓz_Γdvdv% Rp@"Verdanawdwr?L  +Xgw}EE[ @$*^8M̓kv8|EB%^8yEP~\zErEh̓ܓw#V[gwdwdw!8Mh$ErErΉuh$E$*^@ΓaΓvTvdv% ( Rp @"Verdanawdwr?L^8M̓kv8|EB%^gw}EEg$*_)kv8|Excgzewg ͓uEׯu:j g`vdw!̓ ܓ1ujx ׯu|-vg.!vTvdv% ( % (  T ]@q@n<Learnings of African American w&" WMFC -momen were 67.5 % of all men s <<+??>4#=##D#,4<?$Da<+4<?#R=a<?#S<+<#?@$@#l#=##<#a<?4# The @q@/Learnings, and Latinas earnings were 57.7 % of <<+??>4$#=?>#8<(@<4#<<+??>4#R<+<#?@$@#l#=##Tf @q@f Ltall men s earnings.<#a<?4#<<+??>5$TT>@q@LP in#TT?b@q@?LP pi$ Tu @q@a ?LAsian American women s earnings in 2009 were 90 % of all men s D4<?$Da<+4<?#R>a<?4#<<+??>4$?#A@@@#Q<+<"@@#l#=##;#a<?4$ Tw  @q@ L`earnings.<<+??>4$TTw  @q@ LP #TTw  @q@ LP #Tw  @q@ <LGender wage discrimination has been illegal since President N<?><+#R<><#>44+b?='=?$@<4#><<?#<><#5?4=#<+<4><?'$ T i @q@U DLKennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963 but the wage gap persists. E<??<>;#4>?<>#(?<#?>?<#<<;$D4'$?#@@@@#>?'#'?<#R<><#>=>#><+44'5$$ Tj  @q@ !LWomen earned 59 cents to every doc=a<?#<<+?<>#@@#3<?'4#'=#<;<+;#>=T  j  @q@ Lllar earned by men in 1963, but <+$<<+?<>#>;#a<?#?#A@@@$#>?'# T \ @q@H BLprogress has slowed and the gender wage gap widened slightly from >+=>+<44#?<4#4=R<>#<?>$'?<#><?><+#R<><#><>#R><?<>#4>?';##+=a$ Tp]  @q@ LX77.8 t@@$@#'T] @q@ Lo 77.1 % between 2007 and 2008.=#@@$@"l#><'R<<?#@?@@#<?>#@??@$TT ] = @q@ LP @ TT -O @q@; LP @ TP  @q@ HLOver a lifetime of work this loss adds up into a shockingly high career O;<+#<##<'a<#=##S=+;#'?4$=44#<>>5#@>#@'=#<#4?=4<??;$?>?$4<+<<+"!"  T| B @q@. L\wage gapR<><#><>T8 B @q@. 'L. The career gap lowers women s earning$#>?<#4<+<<+#><>#=R<+4#R=a;?4#<<+??>T B @q@ . Lxs over a lifetime and 4#=;<+#<##<'a<#<@>$!"  TC x @q@ Lpreduces their long+<>?4<4#'?<+#=?>TTyC  @q@y LP-.TC  @q@ 4Lterm assets and that of their families. The typical (<+a#<44<'4#<?>#(?<(#=##'?<+##<b<4$#>@<#';>4=$!"  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TT@q@LP #TTP@q@LP @!"  % % % T@q@t LhEqual Pay DayDFGC""ICA"SCA% % % TT /@q@ tLP $T0D@q@0t4Lis a nationwide effort to increase awareness of the 4#=#?<'=?S><#<##=+'#(=#?4+<<4<#<R<+<?;44#=##'?<$ T@q@L|women s wage gap, its caR=a<?4#R<><#><>%#'4#4=T @q@Luses and potential remedies. ?4<4#<?>$>='<?'=#+<a<><4$#T @q@ LlEach year, the ?<5?#;<<+$#'?<$ Rp@ VerdanapϓғTГQ]ғϓ<ѓғlP]ғϓ q_ϓғ <r_  +X'7.[ @Verdan Г-_<Г<Гz_dГ<dv% % % % % % T  {@q@g LNational Committee on Pay EquityK<'=?<#F=ab('<<#=?#<<;#@>?';'.f% Ldp up!??% ( TT  {@q@ gLP #T {@q@ gL(NCPE) organizes the national -KF=?-#=+><?5<4#'?<#?=(=?<$ T|v@q@CLobservance of Equal Pay Day to raise awareness about unfair pay in =>4<+;<?4<#=##?>?<#<<;#M<;$'=#+<4<#=R<+<?<44#<>=?'#??$<+#><;$?$ % % % TDn@q@ZLxAmerica. 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This 4 ,e'72 Zedate symbolizes how far into   2 e2012 2 +e 72 /ewomen must work to earn what     ,e')2 Zemen earned in 2011. L2 +eAccording to Census statistics released in  ,e';2 Z eSeptember, 2010 women working fu    2 7ell 2 >e-%2 Cetime, year round   2 e ,e'a2 Z9emake, on average, 77 cents for every dollar a male earns.m   2 e  2 Ze s2 ZEeMedian earnings for most women of color are even lower. In 2009, the       @"Verdana-@"Verdana- @"Verdana--e2 Z<eearnings of African American women were 67.5 % of all mens       R2 Z/eearnings, and Latinas earnings were 57.7 % of   (2 }eall mens earnings.  2 e  2 e j2 Z?eAsian American womens earnings in 2009 were 90 % of all mens       2 /Z eearnings. 2 /e  2 /e e2 /<eGender wage discrimination has been illegal since President   q2 >ZDeKennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963 but the wage gap persists.  =2 LZ!eWomen earned 59 cents to every do  ;2 L7 ellar earned by men in 1963, but  n2 [ZBeprogress has slowed and the gender wage gap widened slightly from     2 iZe77.8 t:2 i~eo 77.1 % between 2007 and 2008.    2 iRe  2 xZe w2 ZHeOver a lifetime of work this loss adds up into a shockingly high career   ,e'2 Zewage gap F2 'e. The career gap lowers womens earning   ,2 es over a lifetime and  ,e'&2 Zereduces their long 2 e-Y2 4eterm assets and that of their families. The typical   ,e'C2 Z%ewoman loses $431,000 in pay over a 40n   2 Me-2 S eyear career.  2 e* 2 e  2 e ,e' 2 Ze  2 ^e ,e'/2 ZeWage disparity persists S2 0eacross all educational levels and in all states. 2 e ,e'>2 Z"eWomen with the most education lose     2 :e 52 >ethe most in earnings. Women    ,e'^2 Z7ewith a college degree or higher lose $713,000 over a 40  2 e-2  eyear period ,e'n2 ZBeversus a $270,000 loss for women who did not finish high school4.     2 e ,e' 2 Ze  2 ^e ,e'---2 Z eEqual Pay Day   --- 2 e Y2 4eis a nationwide effort to increase awareness of the   /2 'Zewomens wage gap, its ca   72 'euses and potential remedies.  "2 'eEach year, the @ Verdana------;2 6Z eNational Committee on Pay Equity  .f- @ !7Z- 2 6)e 82 6-e(NCPE) organizes the national  p2 DZCeobservance of Equal Pay Day to raise awareness about unfair pay in   ---+2 SZeAmerica. Since 1999,  ---2 S eEqual Pay Day   --- 2 S?e 2 SDeactivg42 S`eities of the Coalition for ak2 aZ@eEqual Pay have included community groups, women's groups, labor    52 pZeunions and the South Bay AFL 2 pe-F2 p'eCIO Labor Council, the county's Office    g2 Z=eof Women's Policy and Commission on the Status of Women, and o      @"Verdana---  @ Verdana--------A2 Z$econcerned individuals, primarily in  (2 .e.,--- 2 e  2 e  2 Ze ---j2 Z?e*Information released by the Business and Professional Womens    2 Z eFoundation  2 e "System???????????????????- - eeeeddddddddddddddddddccccccccccccccccEqual Pay Day66jhttps://www.sccoe.org/plisd/history/_layouts/15/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=7TUPDFEVKPPK-117-4, 7TUPDFEVKPPK-117-4 ns:ds="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/customXml"/>w>ffice/2006/metadata/longProperties"/> ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopstuvwx{~Root Entry Fbo}Data  1TableWordDocument0SummaryInformation(" DocumentSummaryInformation8-CompObjyMsoDataStore bobo  "$%&()*,<./0123456789:;=?@A  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qDocument ID GeneratorSynchronous100011000Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429cMicrVWZUU4TZNA==2 boboItem  PropertiesZMUGMXPKAQW==2 boboItem  !Properties#RJRCT4DMMXL==2boboItem 'qosoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.DocIdHandlerDocument ID GeneratorSynchronous100021001Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429cMicrosoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.DocIdHandlerDProperties+ZDTRTL1PEA==2boboItem rJ&Properties>illable="true" ma:displayName="Document ID" ma:description="Permanent link to this document." ma:hidden="true" ma:internalName="_dlc_DocIdUrl" ma:readOnly="true"> This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. 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